How to hack windows7 password


             How to hack windows7 password

                                                                    By:Navprabhat Singh

how to hack windows7 password...

Do u ever think to hack your friend windows password ?? I think u always think about it.Today i m gonna show you how to hack your friend windows password....

Steps to hack password...

1.What u have to do before using your friend pc....

2.Download the software OPHCRACK ,from the link given below.

    click here to download ophcrack....

3.When u click on the link u will see the page given below.Now  select the option download ophcrack.

4.Click on the window button to download it .


5.Now u need a another file called rainbow table.which u have to download from the same page .Click on table option.

   click here to download Rainbow Table....

6.U will find that there are many files,u need only a one file i prefer u to download a smallest version .select the option xpfree small(380mb).

 7.Copy  both the files  to your pendrive,ophcrack software and a rainbow table.

8.Now u are ready to hack your friend's pc.

9.When u r using your friend's pc.First disable his antivirus  then install ophcrack,and after that extract table to desktop.When u r installing a ophcrack then a page will open as shown in figure.U have to mark the first open or else unmark all.


10.Now open the ophcrack.It will look like a picture given below.... 


11.Click on Tables option, a new page will pop up.


12.Now click on Install and choose the option where u have extracted the table.and then click on OK.

13.After that click on the upper left side option LOAD.and select the option "Local SAM with pwdump6".


14.Now ophcrack upload all the files as shown in the image.Now click on crack.


15.Now u just have to wait it will show u the password of your friend's pc,Change it ,now his pc is in your control.

              here u can see that navprabhat is a password of my pc....

16.First try it on your pc.


there are two types of ophcrack one is simple crack and other is ophcrack with live cd.In my next post i will show you how to hack windows password without login to it.

how to hack windows7 password...


 hope u like it....

                                     thank u....       


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